For more than 30 years, Howard Ross' accomplishments on behalf of his clients have been widely reported.
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly: - 20 M.L.W. 1634: Med Mal Award Largest in Area Reporting Attorney Ross' medical malpractice jury award of $3.8 Million plus interest in a medical malpractice case of a brain-damaged baby in Hampden County, which was reported to be 'the largest malpractice award ever in the County in the first major plaintiff's judgment there in five years.'
Boston Globe: Beverly Football Player Awarded $1 Million for Injuries - - An article written about Attorney Ross' recovery for a Beverly High School football player who was paralyzed due to a defective helmet.
Boston Globe: Two Children Brain Damaged by Lead are Awarded Nearly $1.7 Million: Reporting the jury verdicts obtained by Attorney Ross in Federal Court after the trial of a lead paint poisoning case as 'one of the largest awards regarding lead paint liability in state history' [with interest, $2.25 Million was ultimately collected].
Boston Globe: Malpractice in Massachusetts: The Boston Globe spotlighted Attorney Ross' $850,000 settlement for a brain-damaged patient due to anesthesiology malpractice. The Globe stated 'the Robinson file reads more like a detective novel than a look at the covert way the medical community can operate in Massachusetts.'
Massachusetts Lawyers Weekly Liability of Med Mal Underwriter Not Limited: - 23 M.L.W. 2061, reporting Attorney Ross' suit against a medical malpractice insurer for bad faith failure to settle.
Toll Free (877) 793-0330
Massachusetts Offices: Boston, Sharon, Worcester, & Springfield
Massachusetts Offices: Boston, Sharon, Worcester, & Springfield